✨ This liminal phase (and, August Coach Training is a GO) ✨

Hi Reader,

This week I'm up to my eyeballs in preparation for a big book deadline on the 29th and my NBC-HWC certifying exam next week (eep ... the text anxiety is real) to try to earn my certification as a board-certified Health and Wellness Coach.

I started down this path in 2021 (kind of by accident -- it's a funny story for another time) and I am so excited to ultimately be able to bring that skillset in facilitating behavior change into the workplace and peoples' careers.

So wish me luck, if you're so inclined. 🤞🏼

I'm loving the podcasting these days, and we launched another great interview earlier this week with Ben Arendt (whose name may be familiar -- I've mentioned his book a couple of times already), and I'll have the video versions of my interviews with J.J. and Ben up on our YouTube channel in the next couple of days.

I am looking for other Thinkydoers (and people who love us) to feature on the podcast (click here for some basic info about the podcast itself), so if you or someone you know might be interested, send a quick email to guests@thinkydoers.com with a topic in the subject and a quick pitch in the message body and we'll get back to you ASAP.

Now... at some point along the line, you expressed interest in learning No-BS OKR coaching.

It's been way too long since I've hosted a coach training -- nearly two years! -- and there are some people who have been waiting patiently for almost that long ... so it's time!

I'm opening the pre-launch for a cohort of Coaching No-BS OKRs this August.

This is the most in-depth No-BS OKRs learning experience available, and it's ideal for:

  • Leaders who want to build their coaching leadership toolkit, and learn how to lead OKRs by example.
  • OKR core team members who want to develop the confidence and skills to support any leader and team in the organization with creation of high-quality, aligned, best-practice OKRs; and
  • Professional coaches and consultants who wish to build skills for coaching clients toward measurable impact and supporting them along the goal achievement journey.

This will be a small cohort, so space is limited, and the marketers in the house are going to cringe:

I'm not setting up a funnel, I'm not doing a "launch," I'm not going to pepper you with an automated email sequence -- this learning experience is for people who are truly motivated to learn OKR coaching with me (or, refresh your OKR coaching skills).

My focus during the pre-launch is going to be on 1:1 conversations with people who are potentially interested in participating, and on making sure we have a nice, small cohort of awesome learners to learn together, not on maximizing class size with this one.

👉🏼 For full information about the upcoming Coaching No-BS OKRs cohort, click here 👈🏼

Early registration is open until 7/26 with a $500 discount.

If you might be interested (or, if someone in your organization may be a great candidate) there is an application live on my website and completing the application does not obligate you.

If you have questions about this learning experience, please hit reply on this message, or schedule a quick 1:1 with me.

The sales page and marketing for this one are quick and dirty, but the program itself is very sound and proven... so don't hesitate to reach out with your questions.

Next week is another big one... in addition to my boards next week, unless I lose my nerve, the book website goes live, and you'll be among the first to hear.

This email list exists so I can help you ... and, I am not going to be shy about asking for help making sure my book finds its readers so I'll appreciate all the help I can get on that front.

I hope you have a great end to your week -- and have a restorative weekend.

P.S. in my old personal newsletter, Fewer Better, I used to end each issue with a postscript of something I'd seen in the world that week that inspired me, and I miss doing that. I hope you enjoy me bringing that tradition back.

Today's is from Darby Hudson / @darby_hudson via Instagram:

No-BS OKRs + Career Fulfillment for Rebelutionary Leaders and Thinkydoers

I help changemaker leaders, teams, and other Thinkydoers understand their strengths, increase their quantifiable impact, and become fulfilled in their careers (without masking or mind-reading). My "how?" Accessible, efficient approaches to strategy creation, alignment, and operationalizing for goal achievement, with a special focus on Objectives and Key Results (OKRs). The approaches I coach and teach today build on well-honed expertise leading adult learning, instructional design, marketing, creative strategy and strategic operations at some of the world’s largest enterprises, and in public sector and political roles. In my individual coaching work via Thinkydoers, I help people who are "wired differently" (or otherwise "not from Leadership Central Casting") build authentic, rewarding careers as the leaders of change our world needs today. When not working with Red Currant Collective, my "other life" is in professional motorcycle racing. 🏍️

Read more from No-BS OKRs + Career Fulfillment for Rebelutionary Leaders and Thinkydoers
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Hi Reader, I looked at the calendar last week and realized: August 15th -- the date I open my books to corporate clients in preparation for annual reset season -- is literally right around the corner. So before I re-open to large orgs, I want to get ✨as many smaller clients as possible✨ on the books – so am running a Summer Sale to help make that possible! Today's drop is the big new news: I am super excited to share my Get Started With No-BS OKRs course with you... for only $49 (a $50...