
Rebelutionary Leadership & Career Fulfillment for Thinkydoers

Shifting from "thinky" πŸ€” to "doing" πŸ’ƒπŸΌπŸŽ‰

Published 11 days agoΒ β€’Β 2 min read

Hey Reader,

I've missed a couple weeks of newsletters because I've been so head down with projects that my hermit tendencies have won out lately, but now there's actually quite a bit of news to catch you up on, about what to expect in the next few months!

But first: I hope your Q2 is off to a strong start!

My next statement is not meant to induce anxiety, it's just a statement of fact:

As of today, 2024 is approximately 31.51% over: which means you've got 68.49% of the year left to achieve your 2024 goals.

There is no better time to take a moment and check in on your goal status, learnings, and make sure that you (and your team, if applicable) are focused on the right things to maximize your impact.

Q2 is the time of year -- every year -- when I have a large uptick in demand for 1:1 OKR creation support with CEOs in changemaker businesses of all sizes.

This is when the cracks in traditional strategic planning begin to show: when anxiety kicks up about whether what we're doing will yield the results we need to; and when smart leaders start to crave objective progress data instead of opinion-based estimates of percent complete.

I love all of the OKR work I do, but there are few things I enjoy more than working 1:1 with CEOs to help them extract a single page of Objectives and Key Results from their 182-page strategic plan deck and a couple hours of verbal processing.

If you, or a senior leader in your life, could use a little help getting from overwhelm to focused clarity, I've got availability in May before the mid-year reset crunch hits, to squeeze in a few Senior Leader OKR Quickstarts!

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Request a quick information session via our coaching portal
πŸ€” Or, if you're not ready to meet, but would like more information, visit our portal and click the "I want to learn more" option!​


Here are just a few of the other things in the works that you'll see come to fruition in the next few weeks and months:

  • ⁉ I'm putting the final touches on a cool new (free) self-serve assessment that will allow you to self-audit a set of OKRs (or other form of strategic goals) and get tailored insight on next areas of improvement to kick up your performance impact;
  • πŸ“– I'm facilitating the final beta read of my book (which is scheduled for release in Q3!) -- big, mad, thanks to those of you helping out with the beta ... your feedback is GOLD;
  • πŸ“š On that topic, I'm beta reading for friends who are also releasing (incredible) books this year (because now I know personally how important beta reads are -- if you need a beta reader, try me -- and stay tuned for book launch announcements about books by folks in my circle that I think you'll enjoy!); and
  • 🧹 We're spring cleaning our systems, strategy, and brand copy -- and also, making a number of long-overdue website and domain name infrastructure updates. So don't be surprised to see this newsletter stop coming from and start coming from an email address in the next few weeks! (We're making these infrastructure changes now so we can get the bugs worked out before the formal book announcement in a few weeks, so I do apologize in advance if things are "under construction" 🚧 for the next few weeks!)

The last few months have been more "thinky" ... lots of time at the desk, lots of time writing and creating, and less time that usual teaching and coaching. As I shift back into "do" mode it's always going to be scary to put work -- and myself -- out there, but so far the response to some of my new work has been really encouraging and exciting.

Thanks in part to the support of the incredible band of service providers I'm working with these days (stay tuned for an updated "collaborators" page on my website, coming soon) and to Ellie (who works with me day in and day out as an EA and then some) and my husband Chris for being my biggest supporters and cheering section, I'm nervous and excited about what the next few months hold.

And thank you for being a part of that, too! πŸ™ŒπŸΌ


Rebelutionary Leadership & Career Fulfillment for Thinkydoers

Hosted by Sara Lobkovich

I help changemaker leaders, teams, and other Thinkydoers understand their strengths, increase their quantifiable impact, and become fulfilled in their careers (without masking or mind-reading). My "how?" Accessible, efficient approaches to strategy creation, alignment, and operationalizing for goal achievement, with a special focus on Objectives and Key Results (OKRs). The approaches I coach and teach today build on well-honed expertise leading adult learning, instructional design, marketing, creative strategy and strategic operations at some of the world’s largest enterprises, and in public sector and political roles. In my individual coaching work via Thinkydoers, I help people who are "wired differently" (or otherwise "not from Leadership Central Casting") build authentic, rewarding careers as the leaders of change our world needs today. When not working with Red Currant Collective, my "other life" is in professional motorcycle racing. 🏍️

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