Gearing up for the last hurrah on 2024 🎉

Hi Reader,

THANK YOU for clicking through to the Reader Survey!

I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts -- the feedback I'm getting is so fascinating to me that after I wrap it up next week I'll share a few highlights.

I don't know about you, but this week after Labor Day here in the US always flies by like a blink.

And when I get back to work on this upcoming Monday, I get my last hurrah on 2024 as we move into the Q3/Q4 learning review and reset.

Typically we do our learning review and resets during the last two weeks of the quarter; but at the end of Q3 we move that up a hair, since by this point of the year we are staring year-end right in the eyes.

We'll be starting 2025 planning before you know it, so let's take this moment to plan to maximize your achievement for the rest of this year.

I just wrote my own Q4 OKRs today. Not much changed on the objectives front, but we knocked our "30% of long-form content is created in collaboration with a partner" key result out of the water (we actually achieved 50%).

But after several quarters with more quantified activity key results than usual given the work on the books and new courses, now I am thrilled to get back into more empirically-measurable numbers.

Ever wonder what my key results actually look like?

Here are a few examples:

  1. Increase website visits from 800 per month to 5k per month average;
  2. Increase product sales revenue by 5x;
  3. Increase book pre-release list segment from 37 to 1,000 people for the pre-sale announcement date;
  4. Improve Morningscore (our SEO tool's overall score) from 25 to 50.

We set ambitious goals around here and then work hard to achieve them -- so I'll report back at year-end and let you know how we did! 🤣

Do you need a KPI to base an "improve strategic achievement" key result on?

If so, I've got you!

👉 My Strategic Achievement Score Quiz is now out of beta!

Take that quick quiz to get a baseline on how well you're set up to achieve your strategy today (and I'll send you personalized information about how you might consider improving).

Now: take a deep breath and go get one thing done today so you can go into your weekend with something crossed off your list. Next week I'll be back with a game plan for the Q3/Q4 reset in case you don't want to go it alone!

P.S. The video version of this week's Thinkydoers episode is now live, where Sten Pittet, CEO and Founder of Tability, turned the tables to get me talking about my OKR origin story and how No-BS OKRs came to be. Look for part two in the series next week, when I get Sten talking about his own Thinkydoer career!

No-BS OKRs + Career Fulfillment for Rebelutionary Leaders and Thinkydoers

I help changemaker leaders, teams, and other Thinkydoers understand their strengths, increase their quantifiable impact, and become fulfilled in their careers (without masking or mind-reading). My "how?" Accessible, efficient approaches to strategy creation, alignment, and operationalizing for goal achievement, with a special focus on Objectives and Key Results (OKRs). The approaches I coach and teach today build on well-honed expertise leading adult learning, instructional design, marketing, creative strategy and strategic operations at some of the world’s largest enterprises, and in public sector and political roles. In my individual coaching work via Thinkydoers, I help people who are "wired differently" (or otherwise "not from Leadership Central Casting") build authentic, rewarding careers as the leaders of change our world needs today. When not working with Red Currant Collective, my "other life" is in professional motorcycle racing. 🏍️

Read more from No-BS OKRs + Career Fulfillment for Rebelutionary Leaders and Thinkydoers
On a dark green background, including a photo of Cindy (a beautiful woman with chin-length hair and sparkling eyes) and Sara (with wavy dark blonde hair and a big smile). In the foreground is the copy: Pearson's Success Story with OKRs.

Hi Reader, Whoo boy friends it's been a whirlwind over here so buckle up and let's dive in. 👉 I'd love your answer on this LinkedIn poll: What is the biggest barrier that slows progress toward achieving your strategy? 👉 Need a metric to base a strategy achievement leading indicator key result on? I've got you! v2 of our Strategy Achievement Score quiz is now live. If you finish the quiz and share your email at the end, you'll get an actual numerical score that you can use as a KPI or as the...

Hi Reader, I looked at the calendar last week and realized: August 15th -- the date I open my books to corporate clients in preparation for annual reset season -- is literally right around the corner. So before I re-open to large orgs, I want to get ✨as many smaller clients as possible✨ on the books – so am running a Summer Sale to help make that possible! Today's drop is the big new news: I am super excited to share my Get Started With No-BS OKRs course with you... for only $49 (a $50...

there are two books. The one on the left is larger, with a white cover and mostly blue, bold, copy, reading:  The No-BS OKRs Workbook  with black squiggly drawings going from messy to tidy between the words.   The subtitle is: A Step-by-Step How-To Guide

Hi Reader, Yesterday, I (nearly) finished up my revisions for my book and shipped it back to my editor. I have one chapter left to write, a glossary to finish, and then it's into final edit! So what better day than today to share the cover art with you: In 2021 I started writing down my practices around creating No-BS Objectives and Key Results so that I could more systematically iterate, improve, and teach them to others. That labor -- and a lot of hyperfocus, sweat, tears, and support from...