
Rebelutionary Leadership & Career Fulfillment for Thinkydoers

πŸ€” It's (almost) Q2: How's that annual plan progress coming?

Published 3 months agoΒ β€’Β 2 min read

Happy Friday Reader,

I anticipate my open rate on this email will be seriously low given that subject line but I'm going to let it rip anyway, since it's painfully true.

It's the second week of February, so you would think that most organizations have done their annual planning and are up and working and have little need of support from their OKR coach.

And you would be wrong. πŸ˜‚

If my conversations this week are any indication, what actually happens in a lot of organizations this time of year is some flavor of:

  • "Annual plan? Oh wow -- I haven't thought about that since the Town Hall on January 2nd, I'm up to my eyeballs with my day to day."
  • "Yeah, I know we have annual targets -- but there's so much year left. I'll get serious about them in Q2."
  • "I know we have annual targets -- but how will we know we're actually doing what we need to, to achieve them?"
  • Or the worst case scenario: "There's a plan? Can I see it?"

Two thoughts, if any of the above sounds familiar:

(1) Join the waitlist for the No BS OKRs Workbook, beta coming in early March
While the full-length book is winding its way through the revision and editing process, we've fast-tracked a rev of the Workbook that will accompany the main book release later this year, and I'm aiming to get the Workbook out in time to help with your Q2 reset (or OKR creation, if you're just getting started).

If you'd like to receive a beta copy of the Workbook (which contains all the worksheets I use to break down the steps of OKR creation in my No BS OKRs class, as well as simple words, meanings, and directions for making OKR creation simpler) click this button:

It's not quite ready for sharing, but I'll make a note to send you the pre-release beta version in early March. (If you're already on the book beta list, don't worry -- you're at the top of the list for the Workbook, too.)

(2) Want more hands-on help?
My calendar is already starting to fill up with Q2 resets, but we do have a few slots still available in March for organizations that need help onboarding or rebooting their OKR approaches for Q2. I've updated the website with details on some of the easiest ways to work with me, or, you can skip right to self-scheduling a brief consult by clicking the button below.

For Q2, we'll have options for support starting at $500 for our No BS OKRs course, with organizational support packages starting at $10k for small and mid-size businesses and $20k for our enterprise friends (with some non-published options in between, for special situations).

A lot of leaders and organizations wait until mid-year to ask for help: by then, six months of working time is already in the rear-view mirror, and there's only so much we can achieve since the focus shifts in Q3 or Q4 to the next year. The Q2 reset is a really special time of year since it's early enough that we can make really big impact on your year's results and even set future years up for success with what we learn this year!

If you have questions, if there's someone in your network you think might benefit from a little help with OKRs, please drop me a note back.

And if you read past that subject line, I'm impressed.

That tells me you're more interested in and engaged with what's possible, than avoidant of the truth of the calendar.

And that makes you my people. πŸ™ŒπŸΌ

Have a great Friday, a lovely weekend, and I hope to see you in MY inbox soon!


Rebelutionary Leadership & Career Fulfillment for Thinkydoers

Hosted by Sara Lobkovich

I help changemaker leaders, teams, and other Thinkydoers understand their strengths, increase their quantifiable impact, and become fulfilled in their careers (without masking or mind-reading). My "how?" Accessible, efficient approaches to strategy creation, alignment, and operationalizing for goal achievement, with a special focus on Objectives and Key Results (OKRs). The approaches I coach and teach today build on well-honed expertise leading adult learning, instructional design, marketing, creative strategy and strategic operations at some of the world’s largest enterprises, and in public sector and political roles. In my individual coaching work via Thinkydoers, I help people who are "wired differently" (or otherwise "not from Leadership Central Casting") build authentic, rewarding careers as the leaders of change our world needs today. When not working with Red Currant Collective, my "other life" is in professional motorcycle racing. 🏍️

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